Generate RSS feed from your log files
Rss4admins is a daemon which will serve RSS feeds from your log files. Usefull to watch server logs from your news reader. This software is probably dangerous, since it needs to run with root user. Use it behind VPN or Reverse Proxy (nginx) with basic auth at least.
# this script will generate rss feed from your (log) files.
# i'm using it to watch the log files of my servers with
# rss reader (akregator)
# Author: Stanislav Lechev [AngelFire].
# <[email protected]> [initial date 26.Jul.2006]
# This script is Public Domain which means you can do
# whatever you want with it.
# Just remember... I take no responsibilities for what you do with the script
# or what the script can do to you !
# changelog:
# 2007.05.16 small bugfix: read the last line of the file (which was missing)
# added one more example channel in config file
my $rcsid = '$Id:$';
#use strict;
use HTTP::Daemon;
use HTTP::Status; # for RC_FORBIDDEN
use XML::RSS;
my $VER="2007.05.16";
my $config_file = "/etc/rss4admins.conf";
our %CHANS;
if (! -f $config_file) {
printf "no config file found.\ngenerating from template.\n";
open (CNF, ">$config_file") || die "cannot create config file '$config_file': $!";
while (<DATA>) {
print CNF $_;
close (CNF);
printf "please edit '$config_file' now.\n";
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /^\d+$/) {
printf "usage:\n\t$0 PORT\n\n";
%CHANS = parse_config($config_file);
$SIG{'HUP'} = 'sighandler';
my $daemon = HTTP::Daemon->new(LocalPort => $ARGV[0]) || die "no daemon sorry: $!";
# this while(1) is workaround...
# becouse any signal sent to the script will break the while of the daemon
# and the program exits
while (1) {
while (my $conn = $daemon->accept) {
my $remote_addr = $conn->peeraddr;
my $remote_port = $conn->peerport;
while (my $req = $conn->get_request) {
my $match=0;
if ($req->method eq 'GET') {
foreach (keys(%CHANS)) {
if ($req->url->path eq $CHANS{$_}{url}) {
# found a match
my $response = HTTP::Response->new(200);
my $rss = generate_rss($CHANS{$_});
if (!$match) {
sub parse_config( $ )
my $cf = shift;
#local ($/, *CONF);
local *CONF;
my $conf;
open (CONF, $cf) || die "no config file: $cf";
while (<CONF>) {
next if (/^\s*(#.*)?$/); #empty and comment lines
my %C;
while ($conf =~ /channel\s*{\s*([^}]+)\s*}/i) {
my $inner = $1;
my ($name) = ($inner=~/name\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
my ($url) = ($inner=~/url\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
my ($file) = ($inner=~/file\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
my ($filter) = ($inner=~/filter_out\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
my ($logfile) = ($inner=~/logfile\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
my ($limit) = ($inner=~/limit\s*=\s*"([^"]+)"/i);
$C{$name} = {
name => $name,
url => $url,
file => $file,
filter => $filter,
logfile => ($logfile=~/yes/i) ? 1 : 0,
limit => $limit,
$conf =~ s/\s*channel\s*{[^}]+}\s*//i;
return %C;
sub generate_rss( % )
my $e = shift;
my %entry = %{$e};
my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '2.0');
title => "rss4admins: $entry{name}",
#link => '',
language => 'en',
description => "rss feed on $entry{file}",
copyright => "rss4admins v$VER. Author: Stanislav Lechev.",
$rss->image(title => '',
url => '',
link => '',
width => 88,
height => 31,
description => 'rss4admins icon'
if (open (LOG, $entry{file})) {
my @lines = <LOG>;
close (LOG);
my $startline = $#lines - ( $entry{limit} ? $entry{limit} : $#lines );
$startline = 0 if ($startline < 0);
for (my $i=$startline; $i<=$#lines; $i++) {
$line = $lines[$i];
next if ( eval {$line =~ /$entry{filter}/} );
$line =~ s/\&/\&/g;
$line =~ s/\"/\"/g;
$line =~ s/\'/\'/g;
$line =~ s/\>/\>/g;
$line =~ s/\</\</g;
my ($l,$m,$d,$t,$y);
my $ol = $line;
my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime();
my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec );
$m = $abbr[$mon];
$d = $mday;
$t = sprintf ("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $min, $sec);
$y = $year + 1900;
if ($entry{logfile}) {
($m, $d, $t) = ($line=~/^(\w+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)/);
$rss->add_item(title => "$line",
description => "$ol",
guid => "$ol",
pubDate => "$d $m $y $t",
} else {
my $line = "cannot parse log file $entry{file}: $!";
$rss->add_item(title => "cannot parse the file",
description => "$line",
guid => "$line",
pubDate => 'pubdate',
return $rss;
sub sighandler {
printf "Reloading config file $config_file\n";
%CHANS = (); # empty the hash
%CHANS = parse_config($config_file);
# config file for
# you should have entries like this:
# channel {
# name = "messages"
# url = "/messages"
# file = "/var/log/messages"
# filter_out = "cron\[\d+\]|imap(s)?|postfix\/smtpd"
# limit = "30"
# logfile = "yes"
# }
# name: name of the channel
# url: url to access this channel (in this case: http://host:port/messages)
# file: (log) file to read lines from
# filter_out: perl regex to filter some lines out
# limit: show only last # of lines (0 = nolimit)
# logfile: set to "yes" if this is system log file
# when done with the configuration you can start:
# ./ <PORT>
# you can reload the config by sending -HUP signal to the script
channel {
name = "messages"
url = "/messages"
file = "/var/log/messages"
filter_out = "dont_want_this|and_this|and_this_too"
logfile = "yes"
limit = "30"
# here is what i use to parse my metalog files
# here is example of metalog line:
# May 16 17:30:01 [cron] (root) CMD (test -x /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
channel {
name = "systemlog"
url = "/syslog"
file = "/var/log/everything/current"
filter_out = "\[named\]|\[cron\]|\[sm-mta\]|\[pluto\]|\[pop3d\]|\[courierd\]|\[imapd-ssl\]|Last output repeated|\[spamd\]|\[authdaemond\]|\[pop3d-ssl\]|\[postfix\/[^\]]+\]|\[amavis\]"
logfile = "yes"
limit = "30"
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