af@reactor ~ ❯ cat varna.txt

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See About page for full contacts.
af@reactor ~ ❯ 

WebSDR (OWRX+) Plugins

I have contributed JS Plugins for the WEB interface of OWRX+ receiver and map pages.
Since the plugins can be loaded externaly from url, this gives me the opportunity to update them, without touching the main code, hence not waiting for Marat to accept and publish the changes.
I have many ideas for plugins and they will be realized in the time. Keep an eye on the plugins page.

You can find my plugins here and their source code here

73, de LZ2SLL

New Server

As this site is quite rarely updated, I forgot to tell about the new and performant server, which is neither new, nor so performant, but still quite a beast. I cant remeber when I installed this iron, but it has been some time now, so I will place this post in the end of the year.

Here is the info:

73, de LZ2SLL

Update on WebSDR

It's been a long time, since I've written here. I knew it was a doomed idea to make a blog.
So here are some updates on the WebSDR.

WebSDR moved to new address, where I've prepared more WebSDRs for you to listen to.
You will find them on I will finish the site one day... :)
There is also a database with all the repeaters in Bulgaria too. Me and LZ2DMV are maintaning the DB. It is hosted on the same site.
You will find the database and the JS library which will help you with the DB also there.

For some time, I'm trying to make use of my free time, by contributing to OpenWebRX+ project, maintained by Marat. I've integrated Leaflet with OpenStreetMaps to the project and I'm making the docker images and the RPi images. I'm also preparing an automated environment for building these images, as for the Debian (x86-64, armv7 and arm64) packages, which are published on debian and ububtu repos of the project.
You can read of how to install it here, or you can use my docker images or the Raspberry Pi images.

The WebSDR was upgraded too. I've replaced the RPi 4 with a TinyPC.
A Lenovo with Intel Core-i5 and 4GB RAM.
I needed more CPU power to be able to run all the background decoders.
There are 3x RTL-SDR dongles and 1x RSP1 (original) receiver. One of the RTL dongles is for ADS-B reception only, because it has amplifier and filters for 1090mhz.
The main RTL is coupled with Diamond X-300, the second RTL is coupled with Diamond X-50 and the ADS-B is with a home made antenna for 1090mhz. The SDRPlay RSP1 is coupled with Comet Discone DS-150S, which allows it to listen to the HF.

Now, let's see if it takes another 2 years to drop a line on this blog.

73, de LZ2SLL

WebSDR in Varna, Bulgaria

I've started a WebSDR with RTL USB dongle and Diamond X-300 Antenna, based on OpenWebRX and running on RPi4. Hopefully it will be useful to other HAMs in the area (Varna, Bulgaria).
I've also made a patched Docker image, based on the official (latest) OpenWebRX Docker image, enabling the (now) disabled Digital codecs like DMR and D-Star. You can install it from Docker hub or build it yourself from my sources. In the sources you will find how to install the image.

73, de LZ2SLL

Amateur Radio License

On 13.09.2021 I passed the exam for radio amateur and today I got my license with the call sign LZ2SLL.
So, there is one more way to contact me. ;)
I'm planing to create a web page with some information about Amateur Radio (HAM) in Bulgaria.

73, de LZ2SLL